This Present Shaking

This is a resurrected post that I started back in December.  How much clearer we can see, just a few weeks hence..

Last December I was privileged to attend an inspiring one day gathering of some of the most insightful marketplace ministry leaders I’m aware of.  It was an intimate gathering which allowed some close contact with the speakers, which included C. Peter Wagner, Dennis Peacocke, Lance Wallnau, Linda Rios Brooke and Chuck Pierce.

Going into this conference, I was very curious what their perspective would be on our current state of affairs, given the wonderful mixture of apostolic and prophetic anointings placed in these strategic thinkers.  I’ve done a fair amount of research into the gravity of economic realities we’re now facing and honestly wondered if anybody was coming to the same conclusions I’ve drawn.

sinking-shipI’m sad to report that I found a great deal of confirmation and validation across the board and that indeed, things ARE as bad as I been thinking.  They agreed; the ship is going down and it’s only a matter of time.

BUT THIS IS NOT BAD NEWS.  You see, we’re privileged to be living in the Day of Shakings!  The systems of this world are filled with corruption and death, built upon the principles of greed and lust and a disregard for the principles of the Kingdom of God.  They MUST come down to make room for the new life-giving systems of the Kingdom to be built and established.  They are bankrupt and the game is over.  Linda Rios Brook paraphrased thusly, “if the horse is dead, it’s probably time to dismount.”

The Obama team and the Democrat-controlled congress will do their best to fix the problems, but this will serve only to delay the inevitable.  I certainly don’t envy them.

Linda shared the following well-established principles of leadership:

  1. Stop doing what’s guaranteed not to work.
  2. If the plan does not work, get a new plan.
  3. Opportunity rarely comes through the front door announcing itself.  It usually comes as misfortune or defeat.

Thus, we are living in extraordinary days.  Everything that can be shaken, will be so that the artificial can no longer appear to be real.  God is not mocked, even by the government and politicians.  As a nation, we are reaping what we have sown.  It’s time to plant a new crop and look forward to an extended season of tending that which is precious even as the fire of God burns up the noxious weeds in our lives.

I say turn up the heat, Lord, and let’s get on with it.

Until next time,

Published in: on February 28, 2009 at 3:50 pm  Leave a Comment  

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